Thursday 9 August 2012

I qualified as a mental health nurse in Glasgow in 1993 before moving to London, which is where I gained the majority of my nursing experience. I have worked in a variety of clinical setting including acute in-patients although the majority of my experience has been within adult community mental health. I completed my degree in mental health nursing (Thorn initiative) in 1999 which is where I developed my interest and skills in psychosocial interventions (PSI). These interventions include CBT based approaches and family work for individuals and their families living with severe and enduring mental health problems such as psychosis and bi-polar disorder. I have developed extensive teaching experience in delivering PSI training and was the course director for the Thorn programme at London Southbank. On return to Glasgow in 2004 I worked in a CMHT in Glasgow for 2 years before taking up a clinical nurse specialist post in PSI within NHS GG&C. I qualified as a CBT therapist in 2008 and currently work one day per week within a primary care setting with patients experiencing depression, anxiety and PTSD. I obtained my MSc in Healthcare Education in 2011 and my nurse teacher qualification. I am also a qualified ASIST trainer. I have been working at GCU for the past 5 years.